VCBH Access/Crisis Line – Substance Use Treatment Services
Addiction is treatable. Recovery from drug and alcohol problems starts with a call
1-866-998-2243learn more211 Ventura County
Call 211 or text your zip code to 898211 for mental wellness, housing, job, runaway, and other resources
211ventura.orgCannabis FactCheck
The effect of cannabis on brain development, academic performance, and your health
learn moreFentanyl & Opioids
Any pill or powder you get on the street or at parties may have fentanyl in it. All it takes to die is a few grains. Be aware, be informed – be safe
learn moreOne Step A La Vez
Empowering teens in the Santa Clara River Valley with the tools they need to learn, grow, and lead
osalv.orgBRITE (Building Resilience & Inclusion Through Engagement)
Interactive and innovative drug and alcohol prevention education for schools, youth groups, and parents to reduce substance use and promote health and wellbeing
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